Encapsulate and Load capsule example#

This notebook notebook offers a simple demonstration of encapsulating functionality and loading capsules within the library. It provides users with a basic understanding of how to encapsulate their code into reusable components and how to efficiently load and utilize these capsules.

[ ]:
!pip install antimatter
[ ]:
import os
from antimatter import new_domain, Session
from antimatter.builders import *
from antimatter.datatype.datatypes import Datatype

Load a sample dataset#

[ ]:
# Load a sample dataset
import pandas as pd

data = [
    {"id":1,"first_name":"Amanda","last_name":"Jordan","email":"[email protected]","gender":"Female","ip_address":"","cc":"6759521864920116","country":"Indonesia","birthdate":"3\\/8\\/1971","salary":49756.53,"title":"Internal Auditor","comments":"Hello friends, my name is Alice Johnson and I just turned 29 years old! \\ud83c\\udf89 I am looking forward to connecting with all of you. Feel free to drop me a line at [email protected] or call me at 415-123-4567."},
    {"id":2,"first_name":"Albert","last_name":"Freeman","email":"[email protected]","gender":"Male","ip_address":"","cc":"","country":"Canada","birthdate":"1\\/16\\/1968","salary":150280.17,"title":"Accountant IV","comments":"Customer feedback: I recently visited your store at 5678 Pine Avenue, Dallas, TX 75201. My name is Jane Doe, age 43. I had a wonderful experience and the staff was very friendly. You can reach out to me at [email protected] for any further details."},
    {"id":3,"first_name":"Evelyn","last_name":"Morgan","email":"[email protected]","gender":"Female","ip_address":"","cc":"6767119071901597","country":"Russia","birthdate":"2\\/1\\/1960","salary":144972.51,"title":"Structural Engineer","comments":"Booking Confirmation: Thank you, David Smith (DOB: 01\\/12\\/1978) for booking with us. We have received your payment through the credit card ending with 1234. Your booking ID is #67890. Please save this email for your records. For any queries, contact us at [email protected]."},
    {"id":4,"first_name":"Denise","last_name":"Riley","email":"[email protected]","gender":"Female","ip_address":"","cc":"3576031598965625","country":"China","birthdate":"4\\/8\\/1997","salary":90263.05,"title":"Senior Cost Accountant","comments":"Hi, I am Emily Brown, aged 33, and I recently moved to 123 Harmony Lane, Los Angeles, CA 90001. I am looking to make new friends in the neighborhood. Feel free to call me at 323-987-6543 or email me at [email protected]."},
    {"id":5,"first_name":"Carlos","last_name":"Burns","email":"[email protected]","gender":"","ip_address":"","cc":"5602256255204850","country":"South Africa","birthdate":"","salary":123.0,"title":"","comments":"Urgent: My name is Sarah Lee, my SSN is 512-34-6789. I noticed some unauthorized transactions on my credit card number ending in 5678. I am 39 years old, and I urgently need assistance with this. Please contact me at 213-123-9876 or [email protected]."},
    {"id":6,"first_name":"Kathryn","last_name":"White","email":"[email protected]","gender":"Female","ip_address":"","cc":"3583136326049310","country":"Indonesia","birthdate":"2\\/25\\/1983","salary":69227.11,"title":"Account Executive","comments":"Hello, I\'m Mark Thompson. I\\u2019m 36 years old, residing at 3456 Elm Street, Austin, TX 78701. If anyone nearby wants to connect, feel free to email me at [email protected] or call 512-345-6789."},
    {"id":7,"first_name":"Samuel","last_name":"Holmes","email":"[email protected]","gender":"Male","ip_address":"","cc":"3582641366974690","country":"Portugal","birthdate":"12\\/18\\/1987","salary":14247.62,"title":"Senior Financial Analyst","comments":"Hi, my name is Michael Martinez, I am 40 years old, and my SSN is 543-21-6789. Please contact me regarding my account details at 415-234-5678 or [email protected]."},
    {"id":8,"first_name":"Harry","last_name":"Howell","email":"[email protected]","gender":"Male","ip_address":"","cc":"","country":"Bosnia and Herzegovina","birthdate":"3\\/1\\/1962","salary":186469.43,"title":"Web Developer IV","comments":"Customer Feedback: I\'m Linda White, 32 years old. I had a great experience shopping online at your store. Reach me at 456 Elm Street, Phoenix, AZ 85001 or [email protected] for further feedback."},
    {"id":9,"first_name":"Jose","last_name":"Foster","email":"[email protected]","gender":"Male","ip_address":"","cc":"","country":"South Korea","birthdate":"3\\/27\\/1992","salary":231067.84,"title":"Software Test Engineer I","comments":"Hey, it\\u2019s Lisa Davis, I am 28 years old. I noticed a discrepancy in my latest bill. My address is 789 Pine Street, Miami, FL 33101. Please, get in touch at [email protected] or 305-123-4567."},
    {"id":10,"first_name":"Emily","last_name":"Stewart","email":"[email protected]","gender":"Female","ip_address":"","cc":"3574254110301671","country":"Nigeria","birthdate":"1\\/28\\/1997","salary":27234.28,"title":"Health Coach IV","comments":"Support Request: My name is Joseph Johnson. I am facing issues with my recent purchase. Reach me at 123-45-6789 or at [email protected] for order number #56789 details."}

df = pd.DataFrame(data)

Register a domain and create a read/write context#

[ ]:
# Either create a new domain or use an existing one
if True:
    sess = new_domain("<my_email_address>")
    print ("domain: %s" % (sess.domain_id))
    print(f"sess = Session.from_api_key(domain_id='{sess.domain_id}', api_key='{sess.api_key}')")
    sess = Session.from_api_key(domain_id='<domain_id>', api_key='<api_key>')

file_name = "/tmp/testdata.capsule"

Encapsulate data using the write context created above.#

[ ]:
_ = sess.encapsulate(data=df, write_context="default", path=file_name)

Load the encapsulated capsule#

[ ]:
capsule = sess.load_capsule(path=file_name, read_context="default")

Get the data as a pandas dataframe and display it.#

[ ]:
df2 = capsule.data()