
Module Contents#



Enum class for defining the source of the match expression.


Enum class for defining the operator of the match expression.


Enum class for defining the action of the rule.


Enum class for defining the scope of the token.


Enum class for defining the format of the token.

class antimatter.constants.read_context_rule.Source#

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Enum class for defining the source of the match expression.

DomainIdentity = 'domainIdentity'#
ReadParameters = 'readParameters'#
Tags = 'tags'#
Literal = 'literal'#
class antimatter.constants.read_context_rule.Operator#

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Enum class for defining the operator of the match expression.

In = 'In'#
NotIn = 'NotIn'#
Exists = 'Exists'#
NotExists = 'NotExists'#
DateDeltaLessThan = 'DateDeltaLessThan'#
DateDeltaGreaterThan = 'DateDeltaGreaterThan'#
Any = 'Any'#
class antimatter.constants.read_context_rule.Action#

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Enum class for defining the action of the rule.

DenyCapsule = 'DenyCapsule'#
DenyRecord = 'DenyRecord'#
Redact = 'Redact'#
Tokenize = 'Tokenize'#
Allow = 'Allow'#
class antimatter.constants.read_context_rule.TokenScope#

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Enum class for defining the scope of the token.

Unique = 'unique'#
Capsule = 'capsule'#
Domain = 'domain'#
class antimatter.constants.read_context_rule.TokenFormat#

Bases: str, enum.Enum

Enum class for defining the format of the token.

Explicit = 'explicit'#
Synthetic = 'synthetic'#